Fotoakustická spektroskopia
Meranie pomocou fotoakustickej spektroskopie
Fotoakustický efekt popísal už v roku 1880 Alexander Graham Bell . V súčasnosti je to výkonná metóda na štúdium koncentrácie plynov.
Exemplary assembly of a photoacoustic spectroscopefor gas analysis with an acoustic cell.
Resonance ocours at a wavelength of double the resonator length. Instead of a chopper wheel, variation of the absorption could also be achieved with a tunable laser, modulating its frequency across absorption wavelength. Additional λ/4 tube elements could be added for example in the gas inlet to prevent unwanted flow noises. Electronic control elements, especially a lock-in amplifier, are not shown.
- Light source (e. g. Laser)
- Chopper wheel
- semipermeable mirrors form an optical resonance system
- cell windows (tilted for polarisation)
- gas flow inlet and outlets
- buffer gas volumes
- acoustic sensor (e. g. microphone or transducer)
- resonator